Fire Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers are an essential piece of fire safety equipment.

Fire extinguishers should be appropriate for the risks, suitably located and in the right numbers to provide the required levels of cover. FastR Solutions experienced consultants can ensure you choose the right extinguishers, they are placed in the right positions and provide the right levels of cover you need.

Our services include: -

Whatever your fire extinguisher requirements

Call our friendly team today with no obligations. Freephone 0800 246 1802

Did you know the primary function of a fire extinguisher is to help people to safely evacuate a building?

Their secondary function is first aid fire safety, putting out a small fire before it can take hold. They can only be used as a 'Fire Fighting Appliance' if the person using it has been Properly Trained.

Fire Extinguisher Types & Uses

There are 4 common types of fire extinguishers used in most properties. these are: -


The most common of fire extinguishers it is used on paper, wood, natural fabrics etc; any carboniferous material. Has Red identification strip if not a standard red extinguisher.

Water based fire extinguishers are not safe to use on electrical equipment; some versions may be tested for accidental use on electrical's.

Foam (AFFF)

Increasingly popular being able to use it like water extinguishers and for use on flammable liquid fires. Has a Cream Identification Strip.

Foam based fire extinguishers are not safe to use on electrical equipment; some versions may be tested for accidental use on electrical's.


Probably the second most common type of fire extinguisher it main use is for electrical fires but can also be used on flammable liquids. Has a Black identification Strip.

Co2 is a gas that removes the oxygen from a fire so should not be used in enclosed spaces. It is also very cold and may cause burns if directed at the skin.

Powder (ABC)

Increasingly common and can be used on all types of fires but often installed incorrectly. Has a Blue identification Strip.

Current British Standards state these should not be placed/used in enclosed spaces; once activated visibility is greatly compromised.

User Checks

The responsible person or the person in charge of fire safety for the premises should also be completing weekly inspections. Inspections should include: -

  • Extinguishers are located correctly and have not been moved
  • Extinguisher is accessible and ready for use
  • Gauges, where fitted, indicate the correct pressure
  • Extinguishers are free of damage and have not been abused
  • Extinguishers have not been discharged

Weekly checks should be recorded in the Fire Safety Log Book for the property.

Annual inspection

All fire extinguishers should be commissioned by a qualified technician before installation. Failure to commission a fire extinguisher correctly may result in the appliance not working correctly when most needed

In most cases fire extinguishers will need a basic annual service by a qualified technician. Inspections will include: -

  • Checks for damage or signs of deterioration
  • Weight checks to ensure there is no loss of contents
  • Removal of hoses/horns and replacement of seals
  • physical checks of gauges to ensure they are working correctly

Most extinguishers, except Co2, require an extended service every 5 years.

Co2 Extinguishers will need a 'Stretch Test' every 10 years. This cannot be done without specialist equipment; as sush these are usually replaced

Fire extinguishers need servicing or replacement? We can provide provide you with recommendations of what you need.

Get in touch today to book your service: Call 0800 246 1802
The location of fire extinguishers is dependant on a number of variables.

However, as a quick guide extinguishers should be located: -

  • in conspicuous positions using brackets, stands or cabinets
  • At room exits, in corridors, stairwell lobbies and landings
  • At the same location on each floor
  • Near to specific fire risks
  • and at fire safety points

Understanding where fire extinguishers should be placed requires a certain amount of expertise. Our fire extinguisher audit service will provide you with recommendations of what you need and where they should be located.

Get in touch today to book your audit: Call 0800 246 1802
The number of fire extinguishers required is dependant on a number of variables.

As a quick guide there should be a minimum of two per floor and these should be within a defined distance of where they may be used.

Section 8 of British Standard BS5306-8 Fire Extinguishing Installations and Equipment on Premises details the minimum number of class A fire extinguishers as –

  • Floors of less than 400 Sqm: at least two extinguishers with a class A rating with a combined total of 26A per floor
  • Floors of more than 400 Sqm: at least two fire extinguisher with a class A rating. Giving a total combined fire rating of 0.065 x total Sqm of floor area.

A 500 Sqm floor will work out as 0.065 x 500 =an A rating of 32.5 meaning a three fire extinguishers may be required based on an extinguisher having a 13A rating.

Understanding what fire extinguishers you need requires a certain amount of expertise. Our fire extinguisher audit service will provide you with recommendations of what you need and where they should be located.

Get in touch today to book your audit: Call 0800 246 1802

Fire Risk Assessment Frequently Asked Questions

There are certain questions we often get asked about fire risk assessment and who has responsibility for ensuring they are completed and findings etc are dealt with. So we thought a simple clear explanation to these questions would be useful to our visitors.

You can Contact Us or call tel: 0800 246 1802 if you still cannot find the answer you are looking for.

Copper Extinguishers

High quality copper finished extinguishers. Available in:





Gold Extinguishers

Gold finish extinguishers for that little bit extra bling. Available in:





Polished Stainless Steel

Polished Stainless Steel for that classic look. Available in:





Standard Red Extinguisher

Full range of standard red extinguishers. Available in:





Who may need to examine my Fire Risk Assessment?

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and/or your local Fire and Rescue Service have the right to inspect your FRA. They may also carry out random spot inspections of premises. So if a business, company or organisation haven’t completed a Fire Risk Assessment they will be breaking the law.

How long does an assessment take?

The length of time that it may take to carry out a fire risk assessment can vary greatly as there are many factors to take into consideration. Size of the property, complexity of the building, building usage, access restrictions, construction, type of assessment (see Fire Risk Assessment Types), etc. However, most assessment visits are completed in a day. Writing the report may also take time based on the above factors; however, we do like to have them sent within 10 working days.

I own a building that I lease out and have no direct involvement in the operation of it. Do any fire regulations apply to me?

The current legislation regarding fire safety in workplaces applies to any person who has control over a workplace or building. You need ensure that your tenants are made aware of the legislation and work with them to ensure full compliance.

When should the Fire Risk Assessment be reviewed?

The original Fire Risk Assessment should be reviewed at regular intervals, at least annually, to ensure it remains “suitable and sufficient” in relation to the property. If there are any material changes to the property then the assessment must be reviewed.

It is also a good idea to have the fire risk assessment reviewed by a competent person should it be deemed not to be “suitable and sufficient” or should a fire or other fire safety incident occur.

What should a Fire Risk Assessment cover?

The FRA should identify and assess:

  • The relevant people at risk (Residents, Staff, Contractors and others)
  • Fire hazards (Waste materials and other sources of fuel, ignition sources such as electrical systems and other sources of heat, flammable gases and liquids)
  • Life safety systems (detection systems, fire suppression systems, extraction systems, etc.)
  • Fire safety management (maintenance regimes, training, etc.)

The assessment must include any significant findings and any recommendations for improvement.

What is the purpose of the Fire Risk Assessment?

To provide an assessment of the risk to life from fire in the premises, and where appropriate, to make recommendations to reduce those risks to life.

A fire risk assessment does not provide protection from a fire, but acting on the recommendations can help reduce the chances of a fire occurring and should a fire occur reduce the impact on relevant persons

Who is the ‘competent person’?

According to The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (RRO) the competent person is someone who has ‘sufficient training and experience or knowledge and other qualities in order to complete the FRA’. These other qualities should include integrity and an ethical approach to their role.

As a minimum, the person should have undergone a fire risk assessment course, appropriate to the assessments they are completing, and belong to a professional body focused on fire safety.

Fast R Solutions are members of the Fire Protection Association and assessors belong to the Institute of Fire Engineers

Who is the ‘responsible person’ or ‘duty holder’?

The responsible person is identified under article 3 of The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (RRO) as:

  • In relation to a workplace, the employer, if the workplace is to any extent under his control;
  • The person who has control of the premises (as occupier or otherwise) in connection with the carrying on by him of a trade, business or other undertaking (for profit or not); or
  • The owner, where the person in control of the premises does not have control in connection with the carrying on by that person of a trade, business or other undertaking.
Why is a Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) required?

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 came in to force in 2006 and did away with the old fire safety certificates issued by the Fire & Rescue Service. This effectively moved the responsibility for proactive fire safety to building owners, managers and occupiers also known as the responsible person.

Under the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 every property, excluding a single private dwelling, is required to have a “Suitable and Sufficient” FRA completed by a competent person.

Article 9 of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005; states:

“The responsible person must make suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to which relevant persons are exposed”. Furthermore article 9 (6) states “that as soon as reasonably practicable after the assessment or review the responsible person must record the significant findings of the assessment including measures which have or will be taken by the responsible person and details of any person(s) identified by the assessment as being especially at risk.”

Speak to our friendly team

We are always happy to answer any queries you may have about our Fire Risk Assessment or Health & Safety services

Give us a call on 0800 246 1802

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