Well written, appropriate and company specific Health and Safety policies and procedures are the backbone of any good safety management system. They should be clear, precise and easy for your staff to understand.
Getting them wrong will leave the company and individuals legally exposed should something go wrong. It is why generic templates and policies written by the non-specialist who “sort of know what is needed” are a ticking time bomb waiting to catch out the unwary.
We all have cameras on our phones we sort of know how to use, but that does not mean we are all photographers. The same can be said for Health & Safety Policies, everyone thinks they know what they are but that does not make them safety experts.
Our Health & Safety consultants can provide you with company specific Health & Safety Policies specific to your business mitigating the risks and pitfalls which come with the 'do it yourself' approach. We take the time to understand your business, your people and company culture to create policies and procedures bespoke to your needs.
Our Consultants come from varying backgrounds and are experienced in manufacturing environments, commercial and service industries which allows us to quickly get a grasp on what is required with the minimum of fuss.
The foundation to a safety management system which details how a company complies with the legislative requirements placed upon them. Policies detail the ‘Who, What and Why‘ of a companies approach to health & safety.
They must compliment other company policies, such as HR, so as not to create ambiguity in the approach taken. This is sometimes the reasoning behind HR departments being made responsible for Health & Safety.This approach is OK for low risk undertakings but anything more requires the specialist knowledge of a health & safety professional.
Our approach is to work closely with all relevant stakeholders to ensure policies are not only suitable and sufficient for your needs but integrate with current systems. So whether you need a single policy or a complete suite we can provide you with a solution.
Procedures provide the ‘How and When‘ to the policies ‘Who, What and Why‘; they provide structure and output.
The best written policies in the world mean nothing without the procedures to back them up. Working closely with stakeholders we can help devise a set of procedures inline with your policies; helping the company evidence their compliance with the legal duties placed upon them.
Most importantly we can also advise on what is not required to prevent unnecessary bureaucracy and paperwork which so often can lead to safety management system failure.
Well written and appropriate Health and Safety Policies are the backbone of any good safety management system
Getting these wrong can be costly and potentially leave companies or individuals exposed to legal proceedings should something go wrong.
Notice boards supply & Installation
Safety information needs to be clearly displayed and a notice board within the entrance of the property can help. A notice board can help you organise and display the relevant information. Whether you need a plain board or a lockable type we supply and install for you.
From £65.00 +vat
Need a Quote? Call Us On 01386 555 739 or Freephone 0800 246 1802.
Fire Safety Document Boxes supply and installation
Onsite Fire safety documentation a mess? is it scattered or stuck in a cupboard? Then a fire safety document box is the answer to all your woes.
If you don't have space for a document box we can supply Fire Safety Document wallets which take up minimal space and can be hung on the inside of a cupboard door
Document box supply only from £40.00 +Vat
Document Wallet supply only £12.00 +Vat
Need a Quote? Call Us On 01386 555 739 or Freephone 0800 246 1802.
Key safe supply & Installation
Do you have contractors going to your property and needing keys? The installation of a secure key safe in an out of the way location means your contractors will be able gain entry without having to pick up and drop of keys.
We can supply and install a range of key safes to suit your needs.
Supply & installation from £65.00 +vat
Need a Quote? Call Us On 01386 555 739 or Freephone 0800 246 1802.
Safety signs are colour coded in order to make them easier to understand.
Red safety signs (usually a red border) are Prohibition signs stating that something should not be done; for example 'No Smoking' signs etc
Blue safety signs are Mandatory signs stating what Must be done; for example 'Fire Door' signs
Yellow safety signs are Warning signs to provide information on hazards etc that cannot easily be controlled; for example 'Caution Hot Water' signs.
Green safety signs are usually 'Fire safety information; for instance the 'Running Man' signs indicating the fire escape routes.
That all depends on the property and how big it is.
Small residential blocks with 2-4 apartments may not benefit form the installation of a Fire Action Notice. But residents should be informed on the actions to take in the event of a fire.
Larger residential blocks, public buildings, commercial premises, factories etc should display appropriate Fire Action Notices in order to provide information to relevant persons in the event of a fire.
Fire Action Notices should comply with BS 5499-2:1986 Fire safety signs, notices and graphic symbols.
Fast R Solutions always recommend Fire Action Notices use graphical symbols rather than written notices. This helps those who cannot read the text understand what is required
All fire doors should be indicated by signs.
These are usually round and blue in colour. The colour is important as it denotes the instructions are Mandatory
Pedestrian Fire Doors
Pedestrian fire doors (those in corridors etc) must display a 'Fire Door Keep Closed' on both sides of the door. Doors that are held open by automatic holders must display Automatic Fire Door Keep Clear.
Other fire doors
Service risers, plant rooms and cupboards must display Fire Door Keep Locked' on the outside face of doors.
Final exit doors
Final exit fire doors are those that should only be used in the event of an emergency. These must display a 'Fire Exit Keep Clear' on the outside of the door.
The simple answer is Yes
Any enclosed area that is not a domestic premise should display No Smoking signs in accordance with the Smoke Free Regulations 2006
Within blocks of apartments it is recommended that signs state No Smoking in the communal areas this helps prevent confusion for the residents.
Signs Placement
Signs should be placed at all entrances to the buildings; this includes out side the entrances to under-croft car parks. Additional signs should be placed throughout the building if there is a specific need
Do you already have a safety management system in place, but have a nagging doubt that something has been missed?
Having a second opinion from a Health and Safety professional can help identify weaknesses and omissions in the safety management system.
Every company needs to undertake a "Suitable & Sufficient assessment of the risks their employees are exposed to".
Many find that completing Risk Assessments and Method Statements is a daunting undertaking.
Do you need the help of a Health and Safety adviser but don't need a full time person?
Then one of our Competent Person services would be perfect for your needs.
Providing just the right amount of support to help you be Health and Safety compliant.
Well written and appropriate Health and Safety Policies are the backbone of any good safety management system
Getting these wrong can be costly and potentially leave companies or individuals exposed to legal proceedings should something go wrong.
Notice boards supply & Installation
Safety information needs to be clearly displayed and a notice board within the entrance of the property can help. A notice board can help you organise and display the relevant information. Whether you need a plain board or a lockable type we supply and install for you.
From £65.00 +vat
Need a Quote? Call Us On 01386 555 739 or Freephone 0800 246 1802.
Fire Safety Document Boxes supply and installation
Onsite Fire safety documentation a mess? is it scattered or stuck in a cupboard? Then a fire safety document box is the answer to all your woes.
If you don't have space for a document box we can supply Fire Safety Document wallets which take up minimal space and can be hung on the inside of a cupboard door
Document box supply only from £40.00 +Vat
Document Wallet supply only £12.00 +Vat
Need a Quote? Call Us On 01386 555 739 or Freephone 0800 246 1802.
Key safe supply & Installation
Do you have contractors going to your property and needing keys? The installation of a secure key safe in an out of the way location means your contractors will be able gain entry without having to pick up and drop of keys.
We can supply and install a range of key safes to suit your needs.
Supply & installation from £65.00 +vat
Need a Quote? Call Us On 01386 555 739 or Freephone 0800 246 1802.
As per Bronze level plus the following benefits
As per Bronze level plus the following benefits
A Type 4 fire risk assessment has the same scope of work as a Type 3 fire risk assessment, except that there is a degree of destructive inspection, in both the common parts and the flats, carried out on a sampling basis.
This is the most comprehensive fire risk assessment type, but will only be appropriate in exceptional circumstances – such as when the history of works carried out is unknown and there is reason to suspect serious risk to residents.
A Type 4 Assessment is a major undertaking requiring time and resources to complete. Several trades as well as the fire risk assessor will need to work together. Properties built before the year 2000 will also need a specialist asbestos assessor to be present or on call as these materials may be hidden within the structure.
A building contractor will also be required; both to help gain access to the structure of the property and to make necessary repairs. Although most good fire risk assessment companies will use an endoscope in order to minimise the damage.
Need a Type 4 Assessment? – Contact us to find out how we can help
A Type 3 fire risk assessment covers what is involved in a Type 1 fire risk assessment and is non-destructive. Going beyond the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 but not the scope of the Housing Act.
Assessments of this type consider the arrangements for means of escape and fire detection (i.e. smoke alarms) within at least a sample of the flats. Within the flats, the inspection is non-destructive, but the fire resistance of doors to rooms is considered.
Type 3 Fire Risk Assessment may be appropriate for rented flats if there is reason to suspect serious risk to residents in the event of a fire in their flats. (This might be, for example, because of the age of the block or reason for suspicion of widespread, unauthorised material alterations).
Type 3 fire risk assessments are not usually possible in the case of long leasehold flats, unless there is something seriously wrong, as there is normally limited rights of access for freeholders and managing agents.
Need a Type 3 Assessment? – Contact us to find out how we can help
Type 2 fire risk assessments are similar to those of a Type 1 fire risk assessment, except that there is a degree of destructive inspection, carried out on a sampling basis to check the separating construction of the property.
This fire risk assessment type is usually a one-off exercise, which is carried out only if there is good reason to suspect serious structural deficiencies that could lead to spread of fire beyond the point of fire origin.
A Type 2 Fire Risk Assessment is a serious undertaking requiring time and resources to complete. Several trades as well as the fire risk assessor may be needed to work together. Properties built before the year 2000 will also need a specialist asbestos assessor to be present as these materials may be hidden within the structure.
A building contractor will also be required; both to help gain access to the structure of the property and to make necessary repairs. Although most good fire risk assessment companies will use an endoscope in order to minimise the damage.
Need a Type 2 Assessment? – Contact us to find out how we can help
The most common fire risk assessment type; which is a non-destructive inspection of the communal and managed areas of a residential property.
Although it does not include demised areas it does consider the construction of the property, apartment doors and the separation between apartments. Service risers, roof areas and above false ceilings, where installed, could be accessed during the inspection.
Unless it is suspected that there are serious deficiencies in structural fire protection for example inadequate compartmentalisation, or poor fire stopping – a Type 1 Fire Risk Assessment would normally be sufficient for most buildings and apartment blocks.
Need a Type 1 Assessment? – Contact us to find out how we can help
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and/or your local Fire and Rescue Service have the right to inspect your FRA. They may also carry out random spot inspections of premises. So if a business, company or organisation haven’t completed a Fire Risk Assessment they will be breaking the law.
The length of time that it may take to carry out a fire risk assessment can vary greatly as there are many factors to take into consideration. Size of the property, complexity of the building, building usage, access restrictions, construction, type of assessment (see Fire Risk Assessment Types), etc. However, most assessment visits are completed in a day. Writing the report may also take time based on the above factors; however, we do like to have them sent within 10 working days.
The current legislation regarding fire safety in workplaces applies to any person who has control over a workplace or building. You need ensure that your tenants are made aware of the legislation and work with them to ensure full compliance.
First published in 2005 and revised in 2007, PAS 79 sets out a methodology for undertaking a fire risk assessment. It is a Publicly Available Specification. Although not a British Standard, it has been developed and published by the British Standards Institution, BSI.
Fast R Solutions complete their fire risk assessments based on the templates and process based on PAS79. This allows clients to gain an understanding of what is required by the standard, what we as Assessors are looking for and how information is presented.
The original Fire Risk Assessment should be reviewed at regular intervals, at least annually, to ensure it remains “suitable and sufficient” in relation to the property. If there are any material changes to the property then the assessment must be reviewed.
It is also a good idea to have the fire risk assessment reviewed by a competent person should it be deemed not to be “suitable and sufficient” or should a fire or other fire safety incident occur.
The FRA should identify and assess:
The assessment must include any significant findings and any recommendations for improvement.
To provide an assessment of the risk to life from fire in the premises, and where appropriate, to make recommendations to reduce those risks to life.
A fire risk assessment does not provide protection from a fire, but acting on the recommendations can help reduce the chances of a fire occurring and should a fire occur reduce the impact on relevant persons
According to The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (RRO) the competent person is someone who has ‘sufficient training and experience or knowledge and other qualities in order to complete the FRA’. These other qualities should include integrity and an ethical approach to their role.
As a minimum, the person should have undergone a fire risk assessment course, appropriate to the assessments they are completing, and belong to a professional body focused on fire safety.
Fast R Solutions are members of the Fire Protection Association and assessors belong to the Institute of Fire Engineers
The responsible person is identified under article 3 of The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (RRO) as:
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 came in to force in 2006 and did away with the old fire safety certificates issued by the Fire & Rescue Service. This effectively moved the responsibility for proactive fire safety to building owners, managers and occupiers also known as the responsible person.
Under the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 every property, excluding a single private dwelling, is required to have a “Suitable and Sufficient” FRA completed by a competent person.
Article 9 of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005; states:
“The responsible person must make suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to which relevant persons are exposed”. Furthermore article 9 (6) states “that as soon as reasonably practicable after the assessment or review the responsible person must record the significant findings of the assessment including measures which have or will be taken by the responsible person and details of any person(s) identified by the assessment as being especially at risk.”
There is a requirement under Article 21 of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order to provide Fire Safety Training to employees.
FastR Solutions provide a range of fire safety training courses both in-house and open access including: -
All evacuation chair training is based at your premises If you need an in-house fire safety training course we will tailor the content to suit your company policies and procedures.
Check out our Fire Safety Training page for more details.
If you have as suitable and sufficient fire risk assessment already in place there may be no need to have another one done.However, there is a growing trend by professional bodies that want a fire risk assessment dated within the last 12-24 months particularly when selling a property.
But did you know that your fire risk assessment needs to be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure it is still “suitable & sufficient”? This should be done at least annually, when there are changes to the property or if it is thought to be no longer valid.
There are many reasons why your risk assessment should be reviewed from legal and environmental changes to changes of use or users of the building. If you need help to review your risk assessment then contact us, and one of our highly qualified fire risk assessors will be able to help.
FastR Solutions are a Fire Risk Assessment provider who concentrate on providing a Fire Risk Assessment service. We do not actively sell fire safety equipment nor do service fire alarms etc.
So when you engage us to to do your Fire Risk Assessment you can be sure any recommendations are based on what you need, not what we can sell you.
A Fire Risk Assessment should offer you peace of mind, knowing that you have fulfilled your responsibilities and received the right level of service from your fire risk assessor. That is why you need to choose your fire risk assessment company with care.
With our expertise and realistic approach we will furnish you with a “suitable and sufficient” comprehensive fire risk assessment based on the PAS79 standards for life safety; which is easy to understand and free of unnecessary clutter or jargon. So you comply with the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 whilst being clear and concise.
Although we love working for our clients in the West Midlands, we travel up and down the country daily completing fire risk assessments. Our dedicated Fire Risk Assessors carryout in excess of 300 Fire Risk Assessments per annum in London alone.
It is essential to choose the right fire risk assessor as getting it wrong can be costly. FastR Solutions highly qualified and experienced assessors have been providing fire risk assessments since 2005 when the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 came into force.
Our expertise and realistic approach will furnish you with a “suitable and sufficient” comprehensive fire risk assessment; which is easy to understand and free of unnecessary clutter or jargon.
Our Fire risk assessments utilise the PAS 79 standard for Life Safety; they are written to help you comply with the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
Specialising in the Block Management industry providing Fire Risk Assessments and advice to some of the countries most well know management companies and developers we are the singular best choice for any property manager who wants an expert service from specialists in Fire Risk Assessment.
Our expertise covers but is not restricted to:
There are 4 common types of fire extinguishers used in most properties. these are: -
The most common of fire extinguishers it is used on paper, wood, natural fabrics etc; any carboniferous material. Has Red identification strip if not a standard red extinguisher.
Water based fire extinguishers are not safe to use on electrical equipment; some versions may be tested for accidental use on electrical's.
Increasingly popular being able to use it like water extinguishers and for use on flammable liquid fires. Has a Cream Identification Strip.
Foam based fire extinguishers are not safe to use on electrical equipment; some versions may be tested for accidental use on electrical's.
Probably the second most common type of fire extinguisher it main use is for electrical fires but can also be used on flammable liquids. Has a Black identification Strip.
Co2 is a gas that removes the oxygen from a fire so should not be used in enclosed spaces. It is also very cold and may cause burns if directed at the skin.
Increasingly common and can be used on all types of fires but often installed incorrectly. Has a Blue identification Strip.
Current British Standards state these should not be placed/used in enclosed spaces; once activated visibility is greatly compromised.
The responsible person or the person in charge of fire safety for the premises should also be completing weekly inspections. Inspections should include: -
Weekly checks should be recorded in the Fire Safety Log Book for the property.
All fire extinguishers should be commissioned by a qualified technician before installation. Failure to commission a fire extinguisher correctly may result in the appliance not working correctly when most needed
In most cases fire extinguishers will need a basic annual service by a qualified technician. Inspections will include: -
Most extinguishers, except Co2, require an extended service every 5 years.
Co2 Extinguishers will need a 'Stretch Test' every 10 years. This cannot be done without specialist equipment; as sush these are usually replaced
Fire extinguishers need servicing or replacement? We can provide provide you with recommendations of what you need.
However, as a quick guide extinguishers should be located: -
Understanding where fire extinguishers should be placed requires a certain amount of expertise. Our fire extinguisher audit service will provide you with recommendations of what you need and where they should be located.
As a quick guide there should be a minimum of two per floor and these should be within a defined distance of where they may be used.
Section 8 of British Standard BS5306-8 Fire Extinguishing Installations and Equipment on Premises details the minimum number of class A fire extinguishers as –
A 500 Sqm floor will work out as 0.065 x 500 =an A rating of 32.5 meaning a three fire extinguishers may be required based on an extinguisher having a 13A rating.
Understanding what fire extinguishers you need requires a certain amount of expertise. Our fire extinguisher audit service will provide you with recommendations of what you need and where they should be located.
The provision of safety training to staff is one of the most cost effective ways of reducing incidents at work.
Read MoreWe are always happy to answer any queries you may have about our Fire Risk Assessment or Health & Safety services